08 Día 11 (parte 2) Scarlet Heroes con Unholy Land
Escena 15 - Conflicto
1d10 = Do a friendly Actor a favor that will advance them into a position to help you. Roll a die; on an odd result, face a Fight as the foe tries to stop you.
1d6 = 6. Hay evento aleatorio de Unholy Land.
A chatty scribe will relate a random rumor. The scribe is actually a thief attempting to pick pockets.
"I was just in Joppa. Those people and their fish god, Dagon, make me nervous. Some of them even sort of look like fish. I don’t trust them."
1d4 = 4. No hay pelea.
Actor amigable:
1d3 = 2, 1d8 = 6, 1d10 = 1
Elite and Noble
Ninja clan leader
Shaven or balding
Getting a document
2d8 + 1 + 2 = 10. Fallo en obtener el documento.
Enemigo gana 1 punto de Victoria.
Escena 16 - Conflicto
1d10 = 1. Waylay a minion of the foe. Face a Fight instead of a check.
1d6 = 5. No hay evento aleatorio en Unholy Land.
1d8 + 2 = 10. Fight difficulty. 1 Swarm.
1d8 = 7 y 1d10 = 1. Beast trainer. el esbirro.
Enemigo pierde 1 punto de Victoria.
Escena 17 - Conflicto
1d10 = 6. Discredit or frame an Actor ally of the foe.
1d6 = 4. No hay evento aleatorio en Unholy Land.
1d3 = 2, 1d8 = 7, 1d10 = 9
World-weary madame
Madame cansada del mundo
1, 87, 42, 18
Business partner, Stutters, Indecisive, Collecting a bribe
La mujer está colectando un soborno de parte del rival de Ismael, Androcrates intenta interferir.
2d8 + 1 + 2 = 6. No lo logra. Enemigo gana 1 punto de victoria.
Escena 18 - Investigación
1d10 = 3. Tail an Actor who might have a Clue. On a check failure, face a Fight.
1d6 = 3. No hay evento aleatorio en Unholy Land.
1d3 = 1, 1d8 = 6, 1d10 = 4
Pitiless tax collector
35, 47, 25, 7
Gaudy jewelry
Avenging a slight
2d8 + 1 + 2 = 12. Androcrates logra seguir al Actor y obtiene una Clue.
Obtengo 1 punto de Victoria.
Escena 19 - Acción
Gasto 1 Clue.
1d10 = 4. Face the foe's best warrior- or the foe himself if this is a climactic battle and they're fit for combat. Face a Fight instead of a check.
1d8 + 2 = 5. Fight difficulty.
1d6 = 1. No hay encuentro aleatorio en Unholy Land.
1d8 = 4 y 1d10 = 1. Aged veteran.
1d4+T Soldiers
8 Soldiers.
Gano 2 puntos de Victoria.
Escena 20 - Descanso
Recupero puntos de daño
Escena 21 - Acción
1d10 = Convince an Actor ally of the foe to betray them. On a failure, face a Fight.
1d6 = 6. Hay evento en Unholy Land.
One of Herod’s animal trappers is bringing a ceratosaurus to the menagerie. The cage has tipped over and now there is a very angry carnivorous theropod on the loose in a crowded market.
Ceratosaurus – AC 6, HD 10, #AT 1 (bite), D 2d10
1d3 = 2, 1d8 = 8, 1d10 = 3
Press gang boss
26, 41, 34, 84
Crime partner
Facial scarring
Revealing a secret
2d8 + 2 + 1 = 8. Fallo en convencer al Actor.
1d8 + 2 = 6 Fight difficulty.
1d6+T Thugs + 1 Veteran
6 Thugs + 1 Veteran